Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Beck's Famous Pumpkin Rolls

Well, it is that time of year again. I LOVE the fall season! Pumpkins, falling leaves, cooler temps, and did I mention all that pumpkin goodness!? I really enjoy baking pumpkin dishes and one of my favorites to make is the pumpkin cake roll. My recipe isn't really anything special, I simply follow the recipe on the Libby's can of pumpkin.

I have lots of people ask me how I get them so perfect, but I think it comes with LOTS and LOTS of practice. I do not use a jelly roll pan, just a cookie sheet lined with foil. The key to rolling and filling a pumpkin roll is the amount of time you take to cool it (in my opinion). If you let it cool for too long it will crack when unrolling, filling, and rolling again. If you don't let it cool for long enough, your filling will melt and run everywhere.

SO, here are the steps I use to create the "perfect" pumpkin roll.

Step 1: Mix ingredients following recipe.

Step 2: Line a cookie sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray (generously).
 Step3: Prepare your towel for cooling. Lay a clean dish towel flat and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Step 4: Spread your batter evenly on foil lined pan.
 Step 5: Bake as directed 13-15 minutes. 13 minutes is perfect for my stove.
You want the cake to be a golden brown but not too golden! :)
 Step 6: Carefully turn cake out onto prepared towel.
 Step 7: Gently roll cake into the towel to cool.
I usually allow one hour to cool.
Step 8: Unroll cake and smooth on filling.

Carefully re-roll and you have a delicious and beautiful pumpkin roll!!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Life is Good!

It has been awhile since my last post, life is GOOD! We are busy, busy with our school year and all kinds of fall festivities. I have been in the "baking mood" lately so we have been eating good too! I have been baking LOTS of pies. So far I have made apple, chocolate, and a Kentucky Derby pie (which is a recipe from Grandma Britt). My pie crust is "to die for" and comes from Grandma Shappell. My husband keeps joking that I should open a pie shop. Ooh, that would be fun!

 We are all ready for cooler temps here in Virginia and work has begun on our smoke house! Stay tuned for more on this in the next few weeks.

This weekend wraps up my race season and I will be headed to Kingsport, Tn. to run my fourth half marathon of the year! The plan is to continue running, but not as much as I have been (yeah right)!

Stay tuned for my next post on cake rolls coming in the next couple of weeks! Happy fall y'all!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Waking up "Awesome"

 I spend lots of time teaching my children, but sometimes they teach me so much too. I was just talking to another homeschooling Mom yesterday and she was telling me about an article she read. It was about a little girl and how she would wake up "awesome". She was so free spirited and just loved life. I really got to thinking about my sweet Abby. She is so much like this. She wakes up EVERY day so full of joy and adventure and has such a fun personality!
Yesterday, she wanted to wear her "cowgirl" boots with shorts, and even though it wouldn't have been my first choice, I let her go with it. She was so happy and proud of her boots.
 Today, we are going to an adoption party and she woke up saying, "Mom I think I should wear my tutu today!" I thought about telling her no, and that it wouldn't look nice for a party like this one. Then, I got to thinking, what difference does it make? She is four, if she wants to wear a tutu to a party, then why not!? So, she is wearing the tutu and is so excited!

I learned so much today from this sweet girl. We have today, we are not promised tomorrow. If we wake up feeling "awesome" and decide to dye and wear our hair pink (in support of breast cancer awareness) or think what if I wore those boots with this dress or skirt then just do it!  Life is too short to not live it out to the fullest and to be free spirited at times! Who cares what others may think. I think if I had a tutu, I would wear one with her today!

Make it a fun filled, free spirited day!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Go Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

Last year my oldest daughter and I decided to get a pink streak in our hair for October (breast cancer awareness month). It cost us over $30 for these two "streaks" and I had to call all over town to find someone to do it that cheap.
SO, this year I did some research and decided to try and do it myself. It worked, I now have pink hair!!! Decided to do more than a streak this year, so my whole bottom layer is now PINK and I LOVE it!

This was super easy and very inexpensive to do at home. I have no idea how long it will last, but as easy as it was, I could do it weekly if need be. Simply add red food coloring (I counted 5 drops) to white conditioner or hair gel, mix and apply to hair. We used an old tooth brush to paint it on. Wrap in tin foil and let sit for 30 minutes or as long as needed depending on your natural hair color. It didn't take long for mine since my hair is blond. Air or blow dry and don't wash your hair for at least 24 hours.