Monday, March 28, 2016

Mama's making a comeback!

Where has the time gone? Almost a year ago, our family went from a family of six to a family of eight. At first, I thought no big deal I can handle this. Of course I have managed to handle it, but looking back now sometimes I wonder how I did. Having a newborn is having a newborn whether you gave birth to that baby or not. The job is still LONG and hard, but still SO worth it. Foster children of course come with challenges no matter their age.

Most of you know that I had grown to love running. When our family dynamics changed, I had to place that on the back burner to nurture and stabilize the children that God had placed in our family. I really questioned if I'd ever be able to get back to it. I mean having six children doesn't leave a whole lot of room for "extra curricular" activities.

At the end of the year last year, a friend of ours from church told me about a wonderful woman's group of runners that meets in the early morning to run before their husbands left for work. My first thought was NO WAY! I knew my personality, the demands for my day, and the fact that I still had a baby who wasn't sleeping through the night. Let's just say I have never really been a morning person. As we moved closer to the new year, I continued to think about my desire to run again. January 1 I set the goal to run 1,000 miles this year. With that goal, I knew I had to push myself to run at least 20 miles a week. I needed encouragement, motivation, and dedication to do this.
At the end of February I decided to give the group and the early morning running a try.

This morning marks five weeks since I joined these woman. I have only missed one of the regular weekly runs. I started SLOW, VERY SLOW but today, I ran a pace that I haven't run for years and one that quite frankly I never thought I could run again. I'm only getting older! Haha!
With the help and encouragement of this group of woman, who not only run with me, but minister to my stay at home Mama soul, I a running again!!!!
I logged over 20 miles last week and I am only getting stronger.

I share this for those of you who have goals that you have put on the back burner. Life happens, plain and simple. We can't stop it, but we can make a choice to keep our bodies, minds, and spirits happy and healthy. I am a better wife and Mom for running.
I am strong, I am more confident, and I come home ready to tackle the day. Even my kids have noticed and said, "Mom you are so much more happier now".

I hope this post encourages other Moms today to get out and do something for you. Just because you are a busy Mom, does not mean you can't take time for you.

Thanks to all of you who have helped me over the past year. It has been a journey, but one I am so thankful for. Now that I have a baby who is sleeping and am coming out of the "new Mom fog" I can see that LIFE IS GOOD and we are SO BLESSED!

Stay tuned for more news on our foster children.....hope to update by mid April on this!