After logging almost one thousand running miles in 2013, I decided that my New Year's resolution for 2014 would be to rest. I didn't have any major running goals to reach.
Well, life happened as it always does, and I found myself just a lazy, depressed Mom again. About a month ago, I realized that if I had even run at all that week it was two miles. Really! I had gone from running 20 or more miles every week to 2! Even though I had decided that this year would be a year of rest, I hadn't planned to quit or almost quit running altogether!
It is so easy to fall into old habits and let your mind tell you that it's okay to be lazy. I don't want to be lazy! I really enjoy being active, fit, and healthy! Besides, what is that teaching my kids? I always want to be an inspiration and healthy role model for them.
SO, I am starting all over again. I have NO idea how long it will take me to build back my endurance for running, but if I don't start I will never get it back. This week I have committed to start training for a half marathon scheduled for September. Then, I'll just go from there and see what other great races may be added before the end of the year.