My husband Aaron and I have been foster parents for four years. During this time, we have had several children come through our home. I often hear, "I don't know how you do it! How could you take in a child and give them back?"
Well, I must say that this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. This job is so hard! Some times I even wonder myself how I will get through it. We have spent the past year and a half nurturing and loving on a little one who will return home to his Mom next week. As I pack his things, and prepare our children for this, I realize that this won't be easy. If there is one thing (there are lots of things), but one thing that has been a huge lesson for me it is that this job and loving these children is not about me. I have had to totally trust God and learn that he is not my child but his. Just like in raising our own children whether they are biological or adopted, they are a gift from the Lord. He is just "gifting" them to us for this time. They all belong to him!
I must also admit that there have been times in the past few days that I feel like I can't even breathe. My heart just hurts and is so sad. I really feel like I am losing one of my children. God does know our hearts and the path for our family. He has a perfect plan for us. I have total peace that God has another child for our family. I don't know if that child will be one that we can adopt or just love temporarily, but I do know that whatever the plan it will be perfect. The only thing I can do is to be obedient to what he has called us to do.
Isaiah 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers , they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze."
Just when I think I can't do this or there is no way I will make it, this is the verse that the Lord has given me to claim and hold on to.
There are so many children in need of love and a home. If you have ever considered foster care, I urge you to check into it. The job is hard, but the rewards are great so we push on!