This whole Phil Robertson controversy has really got me thinking today. The Duck Dynasty show and Robertson family hasn't made it big because of the beards, the duck calls, or even their sweet Louisiana personalities. I really feel that the reason that millions of American people have fallen in love with this family is simply because of their beliefs, the fact that they speak the truth and we are very hard pressed to hear these things on many other TV shows or stations in America today. Things like, family means so much and reading and quoting scriptures from the Bible. Scriptures that this country was founded on! For me and my family, it is like a breath of fresh air watching this show, and not because we have gotten caught up in the phenomenon of Duck Dynasty, but because it is a show that we can sit together with our children and watch without being worried that they will see or hear something inappropriate or questionable to our beliefs. The fact that they pray at the end of the show (together around a meal) is my favorite part EVERY week. This is how our family, and many other christian families in America live every day! That is why we are drawn to them, they are us. I know this may sound funny, but besides having the wealth that this family has found in the duck call business, our family right here in Virginia could have a show very similar to this one!
So my thoughts this morning are, What if we were Phil Robertson? What if we had a stage as big as he does and millions of Americans attention to share the love of Christ and the truth of the Bible and what it teaches, what would we do with it? We are the "Phils" in our own town! If all these millions of American followers who are outraged right now would just STAND UP, stand up for their beliefs and what is right, I believe we would see a revival in our land. Yes, I said a revival! That is exactly what this country needs.
It is my challenge to each one of you who reads this today, to stand up for what you believe in. If each one of us would take the stand to do what is right in our own home, work place, and community just imagine what a difference we could make. It may not be easy, and sure you may be laughed at or ridiculed but isn't that what Christ said we would endure as believers? It is not meant to be easy, but we need to stand for what is right.